Would-be writers have a lot to learn about the realities of writing and publishing and getting read, and a lot of those lessons are up for interpretation, as documented in the
Round House Theatre's production of Theresa Rebeck's Seminar.
This is the kind of play that should either be right up my alley or too in-your-face close to home and off-putting. While I certainly could relate to the writing and editing and hoping to be published aspects of the story, I personally lack the ambition that put the would-be writers into the room with their well-paid but dismissive and abusive tutor. At my point in my career, I could relate best to the tutor (hopefully I'm not that dismissive and abusive!), whose promising writing career had been thwarted and redirected to editing and tutoring.
Anyway, it was relatively easy for me to create the distance I needed from my parallelling life and enjoy the language, the actors' interactions, the rhythms, and all that make productions worth producing. It's an adult comedy, hitting many of the same notes as RHT's
This earlier this season.
What I was looking forward to most was seeing three of my favorite local actors playing together: The adorably goofy
Tom Story (as Douglas), of course, plus
Marty Lodge (Leonard), who first captured my attention in the old RHT's round space as the ghetto hotel manager in
Problem Child, and the breathtakingly versatile
Katie deBuys (Kate), whose previous Shakespearean work
(Henry V at Folger and
Measure for Measure at STC) I have
noted as chameleon-like. It was great to see more of her in a contemporary role.
Marty Lodge and Katie deBuys. Photo by Danisha Crosby for Round House Theatre |
A play about writing that doesn't show much of the writing under review--just the characters' reactions to the writing and to each other's reactions--is naturally going to be (as my companion noted, without irony) talky. In the care of such good actors, though, the talk has its own musicality. As the cynical, misogynistic tutor, Marty Lodge tears down the student work in monologues that are positively Homerian.
Speaking of careers evolving from writing to something less glamorous (but no less honorable), I see
Lloyd Rose, a former drama critic for the
Washington Post, served as dramaturg for this production. She's apparently been doing this sort of thing for a while. I still don't know what dramaturgs do, but I think, like editors, they make other writers' writing better. Well done.
Written by Theresa Rebeck
Directed by Jerry Whiddon
Round House Theatre, Bethesda, MD ~ February 5 – March 2, 2014
Leonard: Marty Lodge
Kate: Katie deBuys
Martin: Alexander Strain
Douglas: Tom Story
Izzy: Laura C. Harris
scenic designer: James Kronzer
costume designer: Ivania Stack
lighting designer: Daniel MacLean Wagner
original score/arrangements/sound design: Eric Shimelonis