Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Nonlocality Problem

A little gripe... It's hard to "buy local" when it comes to fresh produce.

There are two farmer's markets within walking distance of me: The venerable Montgomery County Farm Women's Cooperative, which is half a block and across the street from my apartment, and the Bethesda Farmer's Market, in the shadow of my office building.

I like the idea of buying fresh produce directly from farmers, and local farmers in particular because of the reduced environmental impacts of transportation. But these farmers aren't all that local. The corn I bought from the Farm Women's market on Saturday came in from Florida. And the two tables of produce I just passed by in Veterans Park were from Pennsylvania and West Virginia.

I guess I can look at it this way: I want the fresh produce, and I want to support farmers and cooperatives. I know I can't get white sweet corn from Montgomery County in early May. At least the environmental impacts of my own transportation were minimized: I walked.

Love, hosaa
shopping locally

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