Wednesday, July 8, 2009

McNamara's Ford

In Remembrance of Robert S. McNamara

Yes, I re-watched the Errol Morris documentary about Robert McNamara last night, The Fog of War.

For those who haven't seen it, the film comprises interviews with McNamara and historic footage, photos, audio tapes, and documents. It is as much about World War II as it is about Vietnam, and tries to put all of McNamara's life and work into perspective.

The segment showing the fire bombing of Tokyo and the decisions leading up to it were terrifying and wrenching, and probably the keystone of the documentary for me. He confessed that if the United States had lost the war, he, Curtis Lemay, and other key figures would have been tried as war criminals. Hell of a confession.

But the other small thing in the film that got to me (really killed me, in a Holden Caulfield sort of way) was when McNamara was filmed driving his car through downtown Washington. The closeups on his care-worn face were poignant.

Then the camera pans down to his hands on the steering wheel, and you can see.... many years after briefly running the Ford Motor Company, McNamara was still driving a Ford.

Love, hosaa
owner of her third Ford


  1. Hosaa,

    During my 30-minute drive to a music studio on Monday, the day Robert McNamara died, I listened to a very interesting NPR interview conducted when his book was published.

    When I returned home, I googled "The Fog of War" documentary, which I would very much like to view.

    Thank you for the insight you have added in your blog. Enjoy your Ford!


  2. Hosaa,
    This sounds interesting, I would like to see the documentary. A real part of history.

    A former Ford owner here!
    hugs, Ashes
