Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Invention

Last week when I went to the Round House Theatre, I noticed that they still hadn't repaired the stall doors in the restroom. Metal fatigue in the doors means that they don't latch securely into the supporting column and they fly open when someone else down the line rattles the structure a little. Like by opening or closing their own door.

I e-mailed the theater about the problem, but they didn't respond. :(

I just wanted someone to invent something to hold the door closed. So I did. :)

The only problem is that the little magnets I used hold 35 pounds each. I may accidentally lock myself in! But at least my privacy will be secure.

Love, hosaa
modestly inventing stuff


  1. What a good idea!! I always wonder why we can't get good latches on the stalls.

    I always enjoy your fun blog. Thank you!

  2. I love it when people come up with their own solutions when others do nothing. Better take a phone with you in the stall in case you get stuck and everyone leaves the theatre.

  3. What a clever idea! Take care & God bless. Love always, Cynthia

  4. hosaa,

    A really great idea! I agree with Belle; you'd better carry your cell phone at all times. *g*

    Have a super weekend!


  5. Patent it. Hurry! You don't want to end up like Nikola Tesla.

  6. Hee! Well, as much as I'd love to take credit, I invented neither the magnet nor the keychain. As I've said before, this is just what editors do: We put things together. :)
