The plot revolves around an invalid mother and her long-suffering (and bitching about it) caregiver-daughter in an isolated Irish village. Who's driving whom crazy and what happens next, well, I don't need to spoiler it too much if you've already seen Whatever Happened to Baby Jane.
While I think I can handle challenging material, I prefer it to be abstracted a bit more. I need the distance. This is a little too close to home, even in an isolated Irish village. Maybe if it were Shakespearean. Stacy Keach in King Lear I could handle, this I could not. Go figure.
I will say the acting, directing, and set are, as always, outstanding. (Sarah Marshall is a local treasure.) For me, it's the play. Sometimes it's because I can't relate to the characters (e.g., Glengarry Glen Ross); sometimes it's just too in my face, putting me through something I already survived. I just don't need it.
Sarah Marshall via Capital Talent Agency |
Season poster, via Round House Theatre Facebook |
Set design, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, via Round House Theatre Facebook |
Frankly, I'm not optimistic about the new artistic direction at RHT. At least not the play selection. I'm not seeing any joy yet. Not that it all needs to be technicolor dreamcoats and spoonfuls of sugar with me, but I could use a break from the bleak at least once this season.
The Beauty Queen of Leenane
Written by Martin McDonagh
Directed by Jeremy Skidmore
Round House Theatre Producing Artistic Director: Ryan Rilette
Maureen Folan: Kimberly Gilbert
Mag Folan: Sarah Marshall
Ray Dooley: Joe Mallon
Pato Dooley: Todd Scofield
Set designer: Tony Cisek
Costume designer: Frank Labovitz
Lighting designer: Dan Covey
Sound designer: Eric Shimelonis
Through September 15, 2013, in Bethesda, Maryland.
Love, hosaa,
remembering mom a little more fondly
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